Failed GDP growth story:Food grain led growth is the way out!!!

The powers that be at the centre were so far pinning their entire hopes and deriving strength for their economic model; from the promise and the prospect of the country’s GDP growing at a rate of 9% per annum.This scenario looked like a possibility, even after the global economic shock of 2008 September. Based on this notion of the uninterrupted GDP growth, year on year; our UPA-2 Government had even nurtured the hopes of turning up our country, with 77% of its population living below Rupees 20 a day; into a superpower. Why wait till sometime in the future, our beloved guest from the only superpower of the globe i.e. Barack Obama, speaking in our parliament, during his visit of our country, went to the extent of calling our country, as the one, which is already a superpower. All these hopes of the perpetual achievement of 9% GDP growth, now seem to have been belied. And our beleaguered, Deputy chairman of the planning commission; Montek Singh Ahluwalia came out with the statement today that: "It is not possible to think of an average of 9 per cent. I think somewhere between 8 and 8.5 per cent is feasible. ‘Find that word ‘feasible’ in his statement, luckily the explanation or answer for which he did not leave us to search for. He himself made it clear of what he does mean by this ‘Feasible.’ He continued like this: "When I say feasible that will require major effort. If you don't do that there is not God given right to grow at 8 per cent," Thus 8-8.5% GDP growth rate per annum, that too given ‘Major effort’ is put in, is the target of the 12th five year plan, that ranges across 2012-2017.It is noteworthy here that, during this time span of the fifth five year plan; the first year i.e. 2012-13 , would deliver only a meagre GDP growth rate of 6.5 to 7%, as per the very statement of Ahluwalia.Thus the country has to catch up for this back log in the first year of the plan; during the next four years. That is it...  Ahulwalia cited the reason of the sharp deterioration of the global economy, over the last one year; as the main reason for our lacklustre performance in terms of GDP. If that is the case, achieving the targeted 8-8.5% GDP per annum during the 2012-2017 period too, is not within the control or the ‘efforts’ of our policy makers. Thus the word invoked in the statement of Ahluwalia i.e. ‘GOD’, alone would turn out to be our last recourse, in reaching the targets of GDP.Nothing else could be true, as the global economic scenario is in a sinking mood, from U.S to Japan.  But, finally as a word of caution we should remind ourselves that the present overtones of gloom that peep through the statement of Ahluwalia, still hold the same delusions, that were nurtured by him and his ilk, as to the model of economic development. The truth is that the very model of development relied upon by our Manmohan singh and the Ahluwalia’’s is seriously flawed. They relied on the finance capital and the speculation i.e. encouraging the share markets and the real estate etcetera; in order to prop up growth in the country. With this flawed belief, and the pro-rich bias in their policies; they have suffocated the purchasing power of the majority of the Indians. The gross neglect as to the agricultural sector of the country, which provides livelihood for more than 55% of the countries people is unpardonable. This continued neglect of that sector even after the recession of 2008, led us to the kind of plight we are sinking into now. If alone agriculture was encouraged and made profitable, the purchasing power of the vast masses of the rural people, would have grown. This automatically, would have had a spill over effect into our urban areas, in the form of the market demand emanating from the rural areas for the urban industrial products and the services.  That could have been the only way, we could have averted the present gloom, and doom scenario and talk about our GDP collapse, due to the international reasons. Our heavy reliance on the FII’s and the finance capital led growth, landed us up here. At least of now, the rulers should realize that there is no other go for our country, to surmount the present debacle; other than the ‘Food grain led growth. ‘Such a growth model would fool-proof us and our growth figures from the, global shocks and crises to the maximum possible extent.  

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