A handful of seats in UP can decide king of Delhi

A handful of seats in UP can decide king of Delhi…

A handful of 31 seats in Uttar Pradesh can change the power in the 2024 elections. According to a saying, "the way to delhi Durbar" passes through UP. This saying holds a lot of meaning, as Uttar Pradesh (UP) has the highest number of 80 seats. Historically, leaders like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, atal bihari vajpayee and narendra modi became prime minister only after winning in UP. This important state has become a battleground where both the BJP-led nda and the Congress-led All india Alliance are putting their full strength for the upcoming lok sabha elections. This time the contest in UP is expected to be special, with about two and a half dozen key seats potentially determining the future leadership of the country. Even a slight change in the sentiments of voters in these important seats can significantly disrupt the BJP's political calculations for the 2024 elections.

Uttar Pradesh is important for India's political landscape as the state has the highest number of 80 lok sabha seats. It is the gateway to delhi Durbar. Historically, political giants such as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, atal bihari vajpayee and narendra modi have risen to the prime ministership by securing the highest number of seats in UP. As a result, the state has become a key battleground where both the BJP-led nda and the Congress-led Bharat Alliance are focusing their efforts for the upcoming lok sabha elections. This year, the contest in UP is fierce, with 31 crucial seats deciding the political future of the country. Even a slight change in the sentiments of voters in these seats can have a profound impact on the BJP's strategy and results in the 2024 elections.

The margin of victory or defeat in 31 key seats in the 2019 election was one lakh votes or less. Even a slight change in these votes can upset the entire political equation. In constituencies with 10 lakh to 35 lakh votes, a difference of just one lakh can significantly change the dynamics of the lok sabha election. Currently, the battle in Uttar Pradesh is almost a direct contest between the nda and Bharat Alliance. Meanwhile, BSP chief mayawati is trying to turn the lok sabha elections into a triangular contest, but her efforts seem to be failing.

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