How is Eenadu Doing Without Ramaji Rao?

Ramoji Rao, the chairman of eenadu Group, passed away earlier this month. For many years, ramoji rao, the media Baron, had a profound influence on telugu journalism via Eenadu. eenadu can form and overthrow governments whenever democracy is in danger. The government of jagan Mohan reddy is the final one. By bothering Margadarshi, jagan attempted to bring eenadu to an end, but ramoji rao put a halt to the despotic reign by acting as the Opposition.

Age-related illnesses forced ramoji rao to leave this world, and it was only after he saw Jagan's dominion fall that he did so. The congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress and its supporters were relieved about the demise because they believed that the media Group would eventually lose its luster and that eenadu would become weak in the absence of Ramoji Rao.

Then, they turned out to be incredibly mistaken. We may get a sense of Eenadu's fundamental strength by looking at its most recent one-week coverage. The unlawful office block of the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress at tadepalli was razed by the CRDA on the 22nd of this month. The next day, a full-page article with images and information on the infraction detailing Jagan's construction of office buildings resembling palaces throughout all of Andhra Pradesh's districts appeared in Eenadu. That was all too much for the shouts and wails of the ysr Congress.

This month's 20th saw the publication of a headline article by eenadu, which revealed how the government was spending 20–25 lakh rupees a month on Saradapeetam's security in vizag only because Swamy was supporting jagan politically in the opposition. A prominent article concerning congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress leaders using land records manipulation as a means of land grabbing was published on june 24. Another prominent article regarding jagan abusing the system to have a massive 986 Security Personnel watch over his tadepalli castle around the clock was published yesterday, june 25. Even without ramoji rao, it is evident from the coverage of the last week that eenadu cannot turn back.

We've heard from inside eenadu that for the past thirty years, there has been a robust editorial team, and ramoji rao has always made sure that the day-to-day operations run well without his intervention. They claim that although leading the team, ramoji rao did not participate in editorial work over the last two months (the critical election season) because of health concerns. Then, as now, there was no difference. That implies that eenadu is here to stay and that jagan and his group's expectations are completely dashed.  Jagan would sincerely regret upsetting Ramoji Rao.

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