Nagarjuna's Damage Control Act gets Brickbats!

Following an incident at the mumbai airport on sunday, king nagarjuna came under fire. A fan tried to snap a photo with nagarjuna, but the actor's security intervened and shoved the admirer away. In a brief encounter with the fan today, nagarjuna, who was not aware of the occurrence at the time, reassured him, stating, "Tumhara galti nahi hai" (It's not your fault). Fans of nagarjuna praised his kindness on social media for this gift.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Some, however, took issue with Nagarjuna's refusal to own up to his mistakes and instead suggested that the fan was to blame. It was not how nagarjuna should have addressed the circumstances. They believed that by blaming the fan, nagarjuna was attempting to absolve himself of any accountability.

Some took this to mean that nagarjuna was offering the fan forgiveness rather than pleading for it. Some even thought that his remark amounted to gaslighting. If the actor had intended to do a damage-controlling act, his group ought to have done it more skillfully and convincingly. Nagarjuna, who is now working with director Sekhar Kammula on filming Dhanush's Kubera, was the subject of a dispute on sunday at the mumbai Airport. The moment he strode over the airport property, a staff member trying to grab a photo with him erupted into a furious altercation.

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