Giriraj should not be brought home even by mistake.

Giriraj should not be brought home even by mistake.

Govardhan Parvat: This 1 thing should never be brought from mathura Vrindavan, everything bad will start happening in life.Govardhan Mountain situated in mathura Vrindavan has great importance. It has been described as the king of mountains and the most beloved of Shri Krishna. Mythological stories describe the attainment of virtue just by darshan and circumambulation of this mountain.

Govardhan Parvat: mathura Vrindavan situated in Uttar Pradesh is called the land of Lord Shri krishna and Radha Rani. It was here in the Dwapar era that Shri krishna and Radha rani were born and brought up. Here God's miracles and some scenes are seen, which confirm the existence of Shri Krishna. There are many temples present here, where every devotee becomes emotional after seeing Banke Bihari. It has been described extensively in mythology. Along with seeing different forms of Shri krishna in Mathura-Vrindavan, it is very auspicious to see and circumambulate Giriraj i.e. Govardhan Parvat Importance.

Govardhan Mountain is located at a distance of 21 kilometers from mathura and 23 kilometers from Vrindavan. Every day thousands of devotees come here to circumambulate Govardhan Mountain. Special worship of Govardhan Mountain is done three days after Diwali. people make Govardhan from cow dung at home and worship Govardhan Maharaj. This brings happiness and prosperity in life. One receives the blessings of Lord Krishna.

According to Garga Samhita, Giriraj is said to be the king of mountains and beloved of Shri Krishna. There is no other pilgrimage site like it on earth or in heaven. Narad ji himself has praised Giriraj mountain. He has explained its importance. In Garga Samhita, Vrindavan has been honored as Goloka and Giriraj mountain has been honored as the crown of Lord Krishna. All the sorrows of a person go away just by touching or seeing the crown of Shri Krishna. By visiting Govardhan one gets many times more rewards.

Giriraj should not be brought home even by mistake.

It is auspicious to bring home the raj i.e. soil of mathura Vrindavan, but even by mistake one should not bring home even a small stone associated with Giriraj mountain. Because Giriraj is the crown of Vrindavan and Radha rani cannot live without Giriraj mountain. Giriraj festival is very dear to Shri krishna and is like a crown on his head. According to mythology, Giriraj should never be brought outside the 84 Kos. It is believed that the person who does this will data-face bad luck in the future.

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