Congress was established on Hindu religion....

Congress was established on Hindu religion....

Congress General Secretary priyanka gandhi Vadra said on thursday that her party was formed on the foundation of principles and truth of Hindu religion. priyanka gandhi Vadra, while addressing an election rally in Morena, Madhya Pradesh, said that the current ruling government is using religion to get votes. He said, “Our tradition is that of Mahatma. Our (Congress's) political foundation was laid by mahatma gandhi, who fought the British. congress is based on what Hindu religion teaches. mahatma gandhi taught us to follow the path of truth.

Priyanka gandhi addressed the election rally

He said that india got independence because of this truth and the dharma of the ruling party should be to serve the country and its people. Taking a dig at the bharatiya janata party (BJP), the congress leader said, “This is our tradition. But in the last 10 years, you have secured votes in the name of religion to remain in power.'' Describing every citizen as religious, priyanka gandhi said that her grandmother indira gandhi had taught her to worship. She said that she used to go to the temple with her father Rajiv Gandhi.

Priyanka gandhi said- Hindu religion is true

He said, “My mother (Sonia Gandhi) learned these traditions from the country. He taught me what hinduism is. hinduism is true. The motto of the country is Satyamev Jayate. We know it by heart. priyanka gandhi asked, “The prime minister says that congress will snatch your Mangalsutra. this is incredible. congress was in power for 55 years. Has he stolen your gold or mangalsutra. congress leader priyanka gandhi claimed, “Indiraji gave her gold to this country. My mother sacrificed her life for the country. congress will not snatch anything from you. Indiraji gave leases (of land) to the poor. Now the land of the poor is being given to billionaire businessmen.

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