Fans tired of waiting for Pawan reply

Power star Pawan kalyan is a great human being and fans praise him for his simplicity and good nature, He is respected for his attitude in industry. These are just small introduction about him, but Pawan kalyan is losing his fame day by day by neglecting to react on an issue that he is being involved from past few months. Pawan kalyan married to a foreign girl is a big issue in past and many waited Pawan kalyan to reply on this issue as no one knew really what happened behind the scenes. So Pawan kalyan is expected to talk about this issue in all his interviews and functions he attend which he never did, fans who want a clarification are still waiting from long time. Even yesterday he attended Basanti audio where he looks completely happy and fans are disappointed that he even skipped this time. Well he may be good in all but he need to be best to prove what Pawanism is, marrying 3 women might be his personal issue but revealing and accepting his real life makes him real hero. Hope Pawan kalyan will come out with a strong answer to all these issues. 

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