How many eggs does Ali Fazal eat in a day!!!

How many eggs does ali fazal eat in a day!!!

Web series have been dominating more than films for the last few years. If anyone is asked to name some of the best web series, it is impossible that 'Mirzapur' is not there in it. This year 'Mirzapur Season 3' is going to be released, on which there was suspense for a long time and finally it will stream on amazon Prime Video from July 5. When fans asked some strange questions to 'Mirzapur' stars, the stars also answered in 'Mirzapur' style. Everyone is waiting for 'Mirzapur 3', but how good it would be if you get to know some secrets of the stars before the release. Recently 'Mirzapur' fans asked questions to their favorite stars, which were answered by many actors including ali Fazal.

'Mirzapur' stars answered fans' questions

This is the official instagram page named Mirzapur. A story was put up on it which read 'Express your heart's feelings.' Now fans asked their own questions on it, to which the actors also answered. The first question in this was what is the similarity between Robin and Priyanshu? Priyanshu, who played Robin in Mirzapur, answered this. He said, 'The similarity between Robin and Priyanshu is that we don't believe in violence so much. We can brainwash many people, our words have that power.'

The second question in this was that Beena ji, what can you do to save Lalla? On this, Rasika Duggal, who played Beena in Mirzapur, said, 'Not to save Lalla, but to make Lalla sit on the throne, we can destroy everyone.' The third question in this was that does Guddu ever feel that Golu should sit on the throne of Mirzapur? On this, Shweta Tripathi, who played Golu in Mirzapur, said, 'What does it mean if we were on the throne? Guddu and Golu are already on the throne and what chaos are we creating.

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