The reason behind the girls who fall in love!

S Venkateshwari

Girls will not look for appearance, money, and physique. A guy has to be attractive in her eyes not by the way of physical appearance it involves more than a look. Girls fall in love according to their dream character and checklist, so obviously it varies from one another. There are no certain rules and formulas to make a girl fall in love with a guy. There are few important ways to increases the chances to make her fall in with are: Pay attention to their talk, make her feel special, cheer her up when she is sad, be honest, give value to the family, be patient don't be noisy and give her independent feel to take decisions.

If she falls in love then she won't break off easily without a valid reason. For both the men and women before falling in love with each other put yourself in a very understandable way to lead a peaceful life. Don't make predictions on your own try to be open up always then and there. Always give some space to her privacy and lighten up her load whenever it's possible. Be generous, faithful, and caring with the limits. Finally, respect her equally, nowadays men and women are equal in terms of responsibilities. 

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