Bombay High Court 14 year old brother raped 12 year old innocent girl, 25 weeks pregnant

Bombay High Court

14 year old brother raped 12 year old innocent girl, 25 weeks pregnant, HC allowed abortion.Bombay high court gave permission for abortion to the 12 year old rape victim. The surprising thing is that the victim was pregnant for 25 weeks.

Havaliyat once again crossed its limits. The crimes being committed against women and girls are not stopping. Now another case of cruelty has come to light, where a 14 year old minor raped his own 12 year old younger sister. After which the victim became pregnant. Let us tell you that the innocent girl was pregnant for 25 weeks. In this case, the high court has given permission to the girl to undergo abortion.

What is the whole matter?

According to the information received, the girl had stomach ache on May 2. After which the girl's mother took her to a health center, where the pregnancy was confirmed. After this, the victim told her mother that in october last year, when no one was at home, her 14-year-old elder brother had forcefully had physical relations with her. Along with this, he also intimidated and threatened her that if she told anyone, he would kill her. On the complaint of the mother, the police registered a case against the accused brother. Brother has been sent to juvenile home.

Court announced its decision

The vacation bench of Justice sandeep Marne and Justice Neela Gokhale, while considering the report of the medical board of JJ Hospital, said that the victim is a minor and keeping her well-being and safety in mind, she has been allowed to abort the pregnancy. In fact, in the report presented by the Medical Board of JJ Hospital, it was recommended to terminate the pregnancy on humanitarian grounds. Earlier on May 9, the high court had ordered the medical board to examine the victim. The girl's mother had sought permission for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) in the high court, because the legal limit for abortion is 24 weeks, whereas the victim was 25 weeks pregnant.

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