Animal is Caricature - Attack on Sandeep Vanga continues...

Even after "Animal" was released eight months ago, filmmaker sandeep Reddy Vanga continues to data-face criticism. Animal was once again the topic of a recent interview by renowned author Javed Akhtar. He talked on the "angry young man" cliché in films, saying that it runs the risk of making the character into a caricature when excessive rage is not directed against any particular problems. He used Ranbir from the movie "Animal" as an illustration of this pattern.
Sleeper hit "12th Fail" by vikrant massey starred real-life UPSC professor Vikas Divyakirti in a self-starring role. In a recent interview with ANI, Divyakirti expressed his dissatisfaction with Ranbir Kapoor's movie Animal. He acknowledged Ranbir's acting prowess but expressed regret for the movie, stating that he couldn't quite figure out its point or significance.
In particular, he voiced concerns about the film's profanity and its possible impact on public perceptions. Seeing sandeep Reddy Vanga constantly criticised is becoming old. Vanga should ideally disregard these comments and stop paying them any further consideration. Even after being one of the highest grossing pictures of the year and earning over Rs 900 crore, "Animal" still draws criticism for its depiction of toxic masculinity.


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