New update on LinkedIn, now AI will help in finding a job!!


Update: New update on LinkedIn, now AI will help in finding a job

Users will have to give only one prompt, after that, the AI tool will show you the jobs related to that keyword. LinkedIn's AI update is currently being released only for the premium version. Apart from this, this tool is currently supporting English.

Almost all professional people have a LinkedIn account, those who do not have it, create an account after some time of the job. people usually create an account on LinkedIn to connect with people in their profession. LinkedIn also helps people find jobs. Now Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has released a new feature that can prove to be helpful for people to find a job.

LinkedIn has released the support of Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI on its platform which will help users to search for jobs and users will be able to search for jobs in a very short time. Users will have to give only one prompt for their favorite job, after that the AI tool will show you the jobs related to that keyword. LinkedIn's AI update is currently being released only for the premium version. Apart from this, this tool is currently supporting English.

Now a chatbot with AI support has also come on LinkedIn. This chatbot will also search for jobs based on the prompt and provide them to you. For example, you can give a prompt of "Find me a job in cybersecurity within my network" for a job. This AI tool of LinkedIn will also review the resume of the users' application. This tool will also give suggestions to the users and tell them how to make a cover letter.

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