Central Government has canceled the NEET-UG 2024 results

Central government has canceled the NEET-UG 2024 results

NEET UG 2024 Counseling: supreme court did not stay stay, government will withdraw grace marks of 1,563 students, will be given again

NEET UG 2024 Counseling: The central government has told the supreme court that students from whom Grace marks will be withdrawn, will be given the option to give the exam again on 23 June.

NEET UG 2024 Counseling: supreme court did not stay stay, government will withdraw grace marks of 1,563 students, will be given again

NEET UG 2024 Counseling: The central government has canceled the NEET-UG 2024 results of those 1,563 students who were given grace marks. All these students will be given the option to give the exam again. After this information was given by the central government, the supreme court has refused to stop counseling of NEET-UG 2024 for admission to medical colleges. Counseling for admission to MBBS-BDs will start from July 6, in which all students passing NEET-UG will be given a chance. However, the supreme court has said that the hearing on petitions related to rigging in the NEET-UG exam will continue. The next hearing has been fixed on 8 July. On the other hand, Union education Minister dharmendra pradhan has said that no student will be allowed to suffer loss.

Re-test on 23 June, result on 30 June

On behalf of the central government, the National Testing Agency (NTA) presented the side during the hearing in the supreme Court. NTA said that a committee was formed to review the decision to give grace marks to 1,563 students who have taken the loss of losing time. This committee has decided to cancel the results of all these students. However, these students will be given the option to give the exam again. This exam will be held on 23 June, whose result will be revealed on 30 June.

Counseling will not be banned

NTA told the supreme court that counseling for admission in medical colleges will be started from July 6. The supreme court has decided not to stop counseling at present. The supreme court bench said, 'Counseling will continue. We will not stop it. If the examination is done then everything will happen, so there is nothing to fear. All the applications, including a petition requested to cancel it, will be heard on July 8, in view of the allegations of rigging in the 2024 examination.

After the hearing of NEET-UG in the supreme court, the statement of Union education Minister dharmendra pradhan (Dharmendra Pradhan) has come out. He said, 'I want to assure the students and their parents that the government of india and NTA are committed to bring them justice. No student will have to bear any harm. Pradhan called the allegations of corruption in NTA baseless. He said, '24 lakh students have successfully given NEET exam. Allegations of corruption on this are baseless. It is an authentic organization. NTA conducts 3 important exams NEET, JEE and CUET in the country. No paper has been leaked in the NEET-UG exam. There is no evidence of this. In the case of 1,560 students, the court has been worked under the suggested model and for that a panel of scholars was made. We will accept the decision of the court. If someone is guilty then action will be taken against him with full transparency.

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