Married at 12, in-laws made her life hell

Married at 12, in-laws made her life hell…

Someone has rightly said that if there is life in courage then even difficult situations cannot become a hindrance in the way of achieving the goal. Many times such situations arise in the life of many people when it seems that now everything is over, but at that time those who move forward by believing in themselves without losing patience, then no one can stop them from touching the heights. Today we will tell you the success story of one such woman who has built an empire of 2000 crores today by fighting all the difficulties.

This story is of none other than Kalpana Saroj. Kalpana Saroj is today an indian entrepreneur and chairperson of Kamani Tubes. But to reach this point, she data-faced many difficult situations and today she has become an inspiration for many people. She is often known as the first "Slumdog Millionaire". Her path to success was not easy but she showed the world that if you have faith in yourself then everything is possible.

Faced discrimination since childhood

Kalpana Saroj was born in a poor family in Vidarbha, Maharashtra. The family had to data-face even two meals a day after a lot of difficulties. Kalpana Saroj belonged to a Dalit family, so she had to data-face a lot of discrimination since childhood. She had three sisters and two brothers. Because she was a Dalit, the parents of other children in school did not even allow their children to talk to her. Kalpana loved going to school and was a brilliant student. But since she was a Dalit, her teacher often made her sit separately from other students.

Her in-laws' house was worse than hell

When she was just 12 years old, her parents married her to a man 10 years older than her. She moved to mumbai to live with her husband. But her life in her in-laws' house became like hell. Here she had to do all the work of cooking, cleaning and washing clothes in a house of ten people. Kalpana was even beaten up every day in her in-laws' house. Her in-laws beat her up and made her body lifeless. After six months of marriage, her father was shaken to see her condition. After this, Kalpana decided to return home with her father. On returning home, her villagers made fun of her. Her family members were taunted a lot. In fact, living with parents after marriage was seen as a sin by the Dalit community.

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