What promises of division achieved by AP?

What promises of division achieved by AP?

Residual andhra pradesh suffered the most from the division of andhra pradesh, hyderabad is the capital of the united state, so naturally the central institutions are all centered around it. Industrialization also took place mostly around Hyderabad. In this order, industrialization is less in ap after partition. That is why special status was guaranteed in the parliament for five years. They have agreed to put most of the central institutions in AP. visakha railway zone, kadapa steel factory etc. were given assurances. However, in these ten years, ap major could not achieve any guarantees, but it can be assumed that there was an attempt to get the maximum benefit.

Special status not in law

Partition guarantee special status. This assurance was given in the rajya sabha when the bill was passed in the Parliament. But he agreed with Parliament's assurance that it would create more problems as the bill would have to be sent back to the lok sabha for approval. Even after bjp came to power, they could not keep the promise of special status. Whether there are political reasons for it or not, but this sentiment which existed for some time among the people is not taken into consideration as it is no longer possible. Even the political parties are not showing any interest to voice this demand due to their own problems. As a result, the most important guarantee of separation has been sidelined.

Polavaram project is lifeblood of AP. Even though there are many problems, the center has also announced the national status, thinking that all the problems have been solved. In the first five years, various problems were overcome and the main dam was constructed rapidly. The R&R industry has been going strong. However, the center has become a problem in terms of the funding of that package. The YCP, which is in the opposition, complained to the Center that the estimates of the project had been greatly increased. For the last five years, the project has completely failed. The stoppage of construction caused many problems. If the construction is completed first, the center will reimburse the cost incurred. It did so. The ap government has lost these opportunities for the last five years.

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