DMK's achievement is to name the cargo bottle after a hero: Thilakabama Kattam!

DMK's achievement is to name the cargo bottle after a hero: Thilakabama Kattam!

Dindigul Bamaka candidate Thilakabama Kattam said DMK's achievement was to name the cargo bottle as Veeran.

DMK's achievement is to name the liquor bottle as Veeran alleges Dindigul PMK candidate Thilagabama

Parliamentary lok sabha elections will be held across the country in 7 phases. The first phase of polling for tamil Nadu will be held on april 19. As far as tamil Nadu is concerned, there is a three-way competition between DMK, AIADMK, and BJP. As the elections are approaching, political party leaders and candidates are actively touring and campaigning.

During the campaign, the tamil Nadu election field has become heated as they are campaigning and criticizing each other. In that regard, Dindigul Bamaka candidate Thilakabama Kattam said that DMK's achievement was naming the cargo bottle as Veeran.

DMK's candidate Tilak Bama, who campaigned near palani in the Dindigul district, said, "Gone are the days when children were told to name their children in tamil, and now they have come to the stage of naming the commodity bottle 'Veeran'. It is DMK's achievement to gather votes."

The tamil Nadu Tasmac Administration has recently introduced 12 new cargo types at cheaper prices. Among them, a new liquor called Veeran was also introduced. Among the merchandise bottles that were printed and published in the english language, this liquor bottle has been released with the tamil name Veeran. Veeran, a regular liquor made and sold at a brewery operating near Poontamalli, has been priced at Rs.140.

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