Asaduddin Owaisi’s rebuttal on the claim of his great-grandfather


ghulam nabi azad, former chief minister of kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">jammu and kashmir and leader of the Democratic Progressive Azad

Party, said such a thing about hinduism that now many leaders, religious leaders and historians have got a chance

to speak on it. politics is hot about his statement 'Hinduism is older than Islam'. In such a situation, now the

statement of AIMIM chief asaduddin owaisi has also come to the fore.

asaduddin owaisi retorted by sharing a woman's tweet, "It's always amusing to me, when Sanghis have to create a

lineage, they still find a Brahmin ancestor for me. We all have to pay for our deeds." Answer yourself. We are all

children of Adam and Eve. As far as I am concerned, the democratic struggle for equal rights and citizenship for

Muslims is the battle for the soul of modern India. This is not "Hinduphobia".

What did the lady say?

In fact, a woman had tweeted saying, "Farooq Abdullah's great-grandfather Balmukund Kaul was a Hindu

Brahmin. Asaduddin Owaisi's great-grandfather Tulsiramdas was a Hindu Brahmin. M Jinnah's father Jinnabhai

Khoja belonged to the Hindu Khoja caste and all three are today's Muslims. represent and spew Hinduphobia."

What was the statement of Ghulam Nabi Azad?

Earlier, ghulam nabi azad had claimed, "No one came to india from inside or outside. islam came 1500 years

ago. hinduism is very old, so 10-20 must have come from outside, who joined the Mughal army." Rest all

Muslims in india converted to Hindus. Who was in kashmir 600 years ago, all were Kashmiri Pandits. All became

Muslims. All were born in this (Hindu) religion."

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