840 crore for coastal plastic waste control Project..!?


840 crore for coastal plastic waste control Project..!?

The plastic waste entering the sea and covering the seashore is causing the death of many aquatic animals. The minister suggested that an adequate detailed project report be prepared for the World Bank's proposed K. Shuru - Blue Pack project to prevent the entry of plastic into the sea and preserve the biodiversity of the Western Ghats. , minister of Forests, Biology and Environment Ishwar B Khandre has instructed the officials of the Environment Department to prepare an adequate Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the World Bank's proposed K.Shuru - Blue Pack project to curb the entry of plastic into the sea and preserve the biodiversity of the Western Ghats.

In his office today, Senior Environmental Economist and Working Group leader Pablo C. In consultation with the World bank delegation led by Benitez, the minister expressed dismay at the fact that 50 tons of plastic waste is being accumulated on the 317 km Karunada coast every day, which is affecting the reproduction of aquatic animals such as turtles that come to the seabed and lay eggs.

The minister asserted that the need to control single-use plastic, which has a severe adverse effect on the health of humans and the entire living organism, is greater today than before, and said that this project can be helpful in reducing the negative impact of plastic waste on the Karunada coast.

The members of the delegation can help fishermen on the coast clear the plastic waste accumulated on the seabed during a break from fishing.

He said that collecting plastic waste is more profitable for them than fishing. 840 crores of the Blue Pack scheme. Of this, 70% will be provided by the World bank in the form of a loan. The state government has to pay 30%. Officials explained that the Preliminary Plan Report (PPR) has the support of the niti aayog and the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.

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