Kishore criticized the PM for the Manipur incident..!?


kishore criticized the PM for the Manipur incident..!?

Riots are going on in the northeastern state of Manipur for the past 77 days. Meanwhile, actor kishore has expressed outrage on social media about the incident where a woman was paraded naked and then raped.

A woman should not be protected only as a mother, as a sister, and finally as a daughter. The incident in Manipur has made the country aware that women are also human beings and they are citizens of this country. In an incident that shocked the entire country, two young women were paraded undressed and their private parts were touched. Not only did the incident two months ago come to light recently, four people were arrested only after the video went viral. The issue of Manipur riots is now in the national news, and the prime minister himself, before the start of the Monsoon session on Thursday, said that the people responsible for this will not go unpunished. Meanwhile, actor Kishore, who criticizes the government and prime minister Narendra Modi in his own way on such issues, asked the prime minister that in your words, Beti Bachao Beti Padao.

'Your politics of dividing people just for votes and power has brought us here today... If you don't open your mouth and apologize to these women now... damn your 56-inch brag. Yes, how can we expect anything from you? Aren't you the one who quietly supported the accused in the case of sexual assault of female wrestlers? Aren't you the one who quietly released the accused in the Bilkis Banu case and celebrated? Aren't you the one who covered up the rape and murder of Dalit girls of Hathras???? Stop your slogans and do work first...

The brutal incident took place on May 4 in Kang Pokpi district, 35 kilometers from Imphal, the capital of Manipur. A group of men strip two kooky women and parade them naked. This time his private parts were badly touched. Later, a 21-year-old young woman was gang-raped in the garden next door, and before that, the family members of the young woman were killed. Meanwhile, it is said that he was taken away by the police superintendent.

  After the case went viral on social media, there was more outrage. As the prime minister himself demanded action, the police arrested a man on Thursday. On Friday, four people were again arrested and all of them were handed over to police custody for 11 days.

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