G7 Summit - What Modi Said? Key Takeaways

At the G7 Summit in italy on friday, prime minister Narendra Modi spoke with several international leaders and discussed a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence and climate change. These are the main lessons learned from the occasion.

What did PM Modi say at the G7 Summit?

Giorgia Meloni, the prime minister of italy, and PM Modi met on friday at the G7 Outreach conference. They exchanged namaste greetings. Modi posted on X after his visit, stating, "Had a very productive day at the G7 Summit in Apulia." interacted and had discussions on a range of topics with international leaders. Our shared goal is to provide significant solutions that strengthen the international community and improve the globe for coming generations. I express my gratitude to the Italian people and administration for their kind welcome.

"I have fond memories of my trip to italy in 2021 for the G20 Summit. The two trips to india by prime minister Meloni last year were crucial in giving our bilateral agenda more vigor and substance. We are still dedicated to strengthening the strategic alliance between italy and india and advancing collaboration in the Indo-Pacific and Mediterranean areas," the statement read.
Meloni stated in her introductory speech that southern italy was selected as the location to send a powerful message to the global South. The fact that we are holding the summit in Apulia is not by accident. We took this action because the G7, with italy serving as its president, wants to deepen its communication with the countries of the Global South. Apulia is a region in southern Italy.


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