Women are eagerly waiting for this scheme..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Women are eagerly waiting for this scheme..!?
-New hopes are rising among the people.
-The free travel for women in rtc buses is worth mentioning.
-Officials are working on the possibilities of this scheme.
ycp has been defeated and the alliance has come to power. Chandrababu became the chief minister of andhra pradesh again. For the fourth term, he was sworn in as the chief minister a week ago. After the change of government in andhra pradesh, new hopes are rising among the people. chandrababu naidu signed the key files on the first day of being the CM. Even after that, the decisions taken by cm chandrababu naidu had a positive effect on the people. Among the good works done by chandrababu naidu, the free travel for women in rtc buses is worth mentioning. bus travel is essential for working women and students. It is expensive to go daily. Babu made the journey free for women. The government's promise of alliance in Super Six will be implemented very soon. women are eagerly waiting for when this promise will be implemented and how it will be implemented.
Free travel will be provided to women in the united east godavari district within a few days. Officials are working on the possibilities of this scheme. Officials are focusing on how it is being implemented in other states. The officials are already calculating how many buses are there in the joint district and how many new buses will be required. This scheme is likely to be available very soon. In other states, those governments that are implementing the free transport scheme for women are reimbursing the cost to the RTC. Here too, the union leaders are asking the state government to pay the cost of the subsidy to the RTC. The free bus travel facility is implemented in the cities of Delhi, Punjab, Chennai, Bangalore, and hyderabad across the country.

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