Facebook unveiled a "Preventive Health" tool that connects people to keep reminders


San Francisco sources stated that making a foray into the personal wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital healthcare domain, Facebook has unveiled a "Preventive Health" tool that connects people to health resources and sends checkup reminders. Launched first in the US, the tool is designed to help users of the social networking giant to find affordable places to receive care, set reminders to schedule tests and mark when tests are completed.

"Our initial focus is on the top two leading causes of death in the US: heart disease and cancer, (according to CDC) as well as the flu, a seasonal illness that affects millions each year," Freddy Abnousi, Facebook's Head of Healthcare Research said in a blog post on Monday.

The resources available in the tool are provided by the American cancer Society, the American College of Cardiology, the American heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The recommendations to the users will be provided on the basis on their age and sex. "According to our blood bank partners in india and brazil, 20 per cent of voluntary, walk-in blood donors are coming from data-facebook," Abnousi added

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