Krishna Janmashtami falls on what date?
Krishna Janmashtami, also referred to as Gokulashtami, commemorates Lord Vishnu's reincarnation as his sri krishna avatar. Given that it occurs on the eighth day of the Hindu calendar month of Bhadrapada, the day is also known as Gokulashtami. Hindu mythology states that it was on this day that Lord vishnu took the form of Lord krishna and reincarnated on Earth in Mathura, where he killed his maternal uncle, the demon king Kansa.For those who are unaware, Devaki and Vasudeva, who were held captive by Devaki's brother, the demonic king Kansa, gave birth to Lord krishna on this day. The explanation is that all of their children were killed as soon as they were born because it was prophesied that Devaki's eighth son would kill Kansa. On Gokulashtami, however, Kansa's entire palace was magically put to sleep when Lord krishna was born. Vasudeva and krishna managed to escape the jail at that point. At midnight, he abandoned the child at Yashodha and Nanda's house in Vridavan. Later, Lord krishna killed Kansa, ending the demon's rule and terror. Thus, the birth of Lord krishna represents the triumph of dharma over adharma, saving the world and defending its inhabitants.The 5250th anniversary of Lord Krishna's birth is this year. According to, krishna Janmashtami falls on Wednesday, september 6, 2023, and dahi handi falls on Thursday, september 7, 2023.