How to prevent weight gain and healthy Diwali this year

Diwali the festival of lights is celebrated with utmost religious fervour and enthusiasm all over the country, apart from Joy and devotion the festival also brings mouth watering delicacies and bursting of crackers, with parties and get together we sometimes indulge in binge eating that puts a lot of stress on our overall health. Few tips to avoid weight gain other health issues this Diwali.

       Home-made Sweets – As sweets are essential part of the festival, many time we end up eating sweets with lots of ghee and sugar. Try to prepare home made Sweets that are much healthier than market ones. Keep the sugar and ghee level on lower side while preparing sweets at home to avoid any excess weight gain.
 Limit alcohol and stay hydrated- During diwali most the people get into binge drinking leading to stress, dehydration, and hangover headaches, keep drinking water as much as you can to stay hydrated. Sleep according to daily schedule – Due to this festival many a time we sleep late or stay awake through out the night. Lack of sleep makes as lethargic and less energetic, so sleep as per your daily schedule.

     Eat more fruit than other delicacies – its sounds a bit hard but eating healthy fruits even during festival will hinder your craving for sweets and carbs, which again is a healthy option.   Finally don’t burst crackers that pollutes the environment and atmosphere, minimize your crackers budget this Diwali. This will lead to a healthy diwali not just for environment but also prevents any untoward incident while bursting heavy crackers.

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