Final year students involved in ragging

Sekar Chandra
Presently investigation into the alleged ragging of the first year B. Com student S. Gokulraj has revealed that nearly five final year students had raged him for almost a week and the Principal of Vysya College in Masanaickenpatti in Salem P. Venkatesan has told  that the management had not received any complaints from the boy or from other students.

It is stated that all the colleges were instructed to follow the UGC regulations on curbing the menace of ragging and the university never received any information from the college about the incident and parents of Gokulraj has admitted him in Ganga Hospital in Coimbatore around 1.30 p.m. on Friday.

Presently he is in the emergency ward with casts on his legs as he had suffered multiple fractures and earlier at the hostel, his seniors had raged him from day one and they had first forced him to consume liquor and Gokulraj brought this to his friend Ravi.

Meanwhile his parents has tried to console him and had said things would become better in the coming days and thereafter the boy has called them almost every day but never has spoken of ragging or harassment or gave away any signs that he was depressed.

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