Cholesterol will be controlled as soon as you drink blue tea

Cholesterol will be controlled as soon as you drink blue tea

Blue Tea For Cholesterol: cholesterol will be controlled as soon as you drink blue tea, the fat and transfat stuck in the veins will be cleaned

High cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack to stroke. Its high level proves to be very dangerous for any person. To avoid such a situation, you can drink blue flower tea.

Blue Tea For Cholesterol: cholesterol will be controlled as soon as you drink blue tea, the fat and transfat stuck in the veins will be cleaned

Blue Tea for high cholesterol: With deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, the risk of diseases is increasing. people are struggling with different problems. One of these is cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol. One is good cholesterol and the other is bad cholesterol. The biggest reason for increasing bad cholesterol is excessive fried food and laziness, due to which fat gets deposited in the veins. It affects blood circulation by accumulating in the inner parts of the veins. It causes blockage in the veins, which increases the risk of heart attack to stroke. These can even lead to death of the person. If you are also troubled by high bad cholesterol, then you can include blue tea in the diet. A sip of blue tea can control cholesterol.

Actually this blue tea is made from the leaves of aparajita flowers. Just drinking its tea prevents these bad fats from sticking to the arteries. It removes fat from the veins and improves blood circulation. Let us know the method of making tea from aparajita flowers and its benefits...

Effective in reducing cholesterol

Antioxidants and flavonoids are found in aparajita tea, which reduces bad cholesterol accumulated in the veins. It creates heat in the veins and melts the lipids of bad cholesterol and removes them. This reduces the LDL level. At the same time, HDL level is boosted.

Keeps blood pressure under control

Aparajita tea also keeps high blood pressure under control. It keeps cholesterol level right. Along with this, it proves to be very beneficial for the heart. It has vasorelaxation properties, which keep blood pressure right.

Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke

Drinking aparajita leaves tea in high cholesterol keeps the heart and veins healthy. The antithrombotic found in them prevents the formation of blood clots. It reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke to a great extent. heart patients must drink aparajita tea.

How to make aparajita tea

Making tea from aparajita flowers is very easy. For this, first take two to three flowers of aparajita and dry them. After this, put them in hot water and boil it well. When the water starts appearing blue, filter it in a cup. You can add salt, lemon and sugar to it. This will not only enhance the taste but will also prove beneficial.

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