Pay GST arrears of Rs.40 crore

Pay GST arrears of Rs.40 crore

 A family is shocked by a letter received by a laborer traveling in Beedi

Upset by a letter received from a beedi-circulating laborer near Jollarpet that he owes Rs 40 crore in GST, the woman has appealed to the police department.

Mani hails from Elagiri village near Jolarpet, Tirupattur district. His wife is Malar (age 54). Beedi is doing itinerant work and doing 100 days' wages in the mornings under the National Rural Employment Scheme. In this situation, he received a letter on 13th March. Without knowing what it was, he left it inside the house and went to work as usual.

Two months later another letter arrived. Shocked by this, he told the people nearby. After that he told his son Perumal about this. When I saw it. The letter came from the office of Deputy Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Villupuram. According to the letter, according to the TN GST act, 21 crores, 92 lakhs, 29 thousand, 406 rupees should be paid, and about 40 crores should be paid as a penalty for two GSTs namely CGST and SGST for the three years of 2020, 2021 and 2022.

After inquiring with many people about this, he lodged a complaint with the Tirupattur district Superintendent of police regarding the GST letter he received yesterday. The police received the complaint and are investigating the matter. Malar, the victim, said that I used to go around beedi and work for 100 days as a wage laborer. I can't even read or write at all.

In this case, if I am told to build several crores of rupees, how can I build it? At the same time 2000 rupees is in the bank account after 100 days of work. This information came to light only when I went to pick it up. He has also informed that my bank account has been frozen through it.

And Perumal, the victim's son, said, "What will we do if we as wage workers are asked to pay such a sum?" At the same time, women took loans using Aadhaar card, PAN card etc. Such incidents should not happen to anyone else. He said that the government should conduct a proper investigation and take action against them.

Also, I gave my Aadhaar card and PAN card to the women's group near the house and used to get loans from time to time. They have said that there is a possibility that they have received a notice that they have to pay this amount of GST in the name of MK Traders using this. According to police sources, more than 10 complaints have been received in the district Superintendent of police office in Tirupattur district following such incidents.Due to this, the poor and humble people continue to suffer and the victims demand that proper investigation and action should be taken in this regard.

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