Political Turmoil in Kashmir: Post-Article 370 Fallout!!

Sindujaa D N
The recent turnout figures in the lok sabha elections in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">jammu and kashmir underscore a strong desire among Kashmiris to assert their political voices. Despite the region's relatively small number of parliamentary seats, these elections held significant political weight, marking the first major political event since the revocation of the state's special constitutional status and its reorganization in august 2019.
In the absence of a functioning elected government since 2018, opportunities for political mobilization and citizen participation have been scarce. Therefore, the parliamentary elections presented a crucial opportunity for both political parties and voters to engage actively in the democratic process. This was particularly evident in the kashmir valley, which had experienced a political lull in recent years. Although there has been sporadic unrest, there has been a notable absence of any meaningful political response. Since 2019, the Jammu region has emerged as a more vocal political entity.
The political landscape in kashmir underwent a significant transformation following the revocation of article 370, which had long been central to the political narrative of mainstream parties like the National congress and the People's Democratic Party. The loss of this narrative left these parties grappling with how to adapt to the new realities and connect with their constituents. The preservation of Kashmiri identity through article 370 had been a cornerstone of mainstream politics and a key point of differentiation between mainstream and separatist movements.
Overall, the shift in political dynamics following the revocation of article 370 has left Kashmiri political parties and leaders facing a challenge in redefining their political agendas and engaging with their constituents in meaningful ways. The recent turnout in the lok sabha elections signals a strong desire among Kashmiris to be heard and actively participate in shaping their political future amidst these evolving circumstances.

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