Cases of AC Blast are increasing continuously, is your AC in danger

Cases of AC Blast are increasing continuously, is your AC in danger

AC Safety Tips: If the AC that keeps your house cool gets heated up, then it can cause a major accident. In such a situation, many things should be taken care of.

Cases of AC Blast are increasing continuously, is your AC in danger, know from the expert

AC Blast: people are in bad condition in the scorching heat and sun. people are running AC-coolers day and night to get relief from the heat. The mercury is constantly rising. This heat can spoil the condition of your AC along with you. If the AC that keeps your house cool gets heated up, then a major accident can happen (Why air Conditioners Catch Fire). Cases of AC blast and fire are coming to the fore continuously for the last several days.

After the cases of AC blast, people are afraid of running AC in their homes. If you also have fear of AC blast in your mind, then throw it out. Today we will tell you what causes blast in AC (AC Blast Reason) and how to stop it. We talked to an electrician about the incidents of AC blast due to increasing heat, in which many things (Safety For Prevent AC Blast) came to the fore. Let us tell you about them.

Reasons for AC blast

- Running the AC continuously for hours can cause a blast when it gets heated. Blast in AC can happen due to bad wiring.

- If the connections of the AC are loose and there is a problem in the wiring, then a short circuit can occur. Use good quality wiring for AC.

- AC blast can also happen due to improper cleaning of the exhaust of the AC. Due to dirt in the exhaust, the heat of the AC is not able to come out. In such a situation, there is a risk of blast.

- The compressor of the AC can get heated and burst. In such a situation, you should turn off the AC for a while when the compressor gets heated.

- people keep the second unit of AC in the sun, in such a situation, a blast can occur due to heating. In such a situation, do not keep it in the sun to prevent it from getting too hot.

- Due to more or less light, AC may have problems and it may cause blast or short circuit.

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Keep these things in mind to avoid AC blast

- Continuously running AC in summers may cause blast. To avoid this, get AC serviced from time to time. Take care of wiring and all connections. There should be no problem anywhere.

- In extreme heat, one should avoid running AC at 16 degrees Celsius. These days the temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius, so it is better to run AC at around 24 degrees Celsius.

- To prevent the AC compressor from getting heated and to give it rest, it is important that you turn off the AC at an interval of a few hours and then run it. You must turn off the AC for some time after every 5-5 hours.

- Get all the wiring for AC installed from branded only. Accidents can also happen due to cheap wires and loose connections. If you keep these things in mind then there is no need to panic. In this way you can avoid the danger of AC blast.

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