Congress leaders shocked to see 99% battery of EVM

Congress leaders shocked to see 99% battery of EVM…

When the counting of votes started in ujjain from the electronic voting machine, congress leaders were shocked to see the 99% battery mark. congress leaders lodged an objection, after which Ujjain's district Election Officer and collector neeraj kumar singh called a technical expert and got all the doubts resolved. Counting of lok sabha elections was done from electronic voting machine in Ujjain's Engineering College. When the counting of votes on all the seven assembly seats of ujjain district started, the electronic voting machine of Nagda assembly seat also reached the counting room. When the battery of the electronic voting machine was seen to be 99% full, the workers and leaders lodged an objection. Even congress candidate Mahesh Parmar raised an objection.

He told that when votes were cast in ujjain from morning till evening on May 13 and then it remained in the strong room for 22 days. Despite this, 99% battery full gives rise to many doubts. A complaint has also been made to the election commission in this regard. He said that when the presiding officer was appealing to vote in favour of bjp on the day of voting, a complaint was made to the election commission at that time too.

Collector neeraj kumar singh made the disclosure

Ujjain's district Election Officer and collector neeraj kumar singh said that after the complaint of congress leaders, technically skilled engineers and other officials were called. They tested the entire electronic voting machine. During this, agents of the political party were present. They said that the battery was completely fine. The technical team said that at present, very powerful batteries are coming which get discharged only after a lot of use, so the complaint regarding the battery getting charged after voting is not correct. After this test, counting was started again.

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