Should hobbies be given up? What did Kota Collector say?


Should hobbies be given up? What did Kota collector say?

Kota district collector Dr. ravindra Goswami is constantly motivating coaching students, telling them the mantras of success. He is satisfying their curiosity by visiting their classes. Not only this, the district collector is also solving their smallest problems. The district Administration is constantly trying to increase enthusiasm and positivity by staying among the coaching students in Kota.

For this, the Kamyaab Kota Abhiyan is also being run by the district Collector. Under these efforts, district collector Dr. ravindra Goswami once again reached among the students and openly communicated with them. Dr. Goswami reached the Samras Auditorium of the Sammunnat Campus located in jawahar Nagar and here he took classes with the coaching students for about two hours, but on the other hand, the students also showered their questions.

Coaching students asked ways to come out of confusions

The students openly put forth their thoughts in front of collector Dr. Goswami. They asked him questions about life and studies. Asked for ways to come out of confusion. Dr. Goswami said that the goal should not be only NEET. Think about what to achieve in life, qualifying NEET or getting a good job can be the means to achieve the goal. The goals should not be so small. You must have seen many IITians who leave everything even after getting big jobs because they do not get satisfaction there.

On the question of children, he said that hard work has to be adopted in life and addiction and bad company has to be left. The one who does these two things will never fail in life. After this you will get the habit of working hard. You will learn to move forward. Remember, not all successful people are doctors and not all doctors are successful.

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