China-Taiwan tensions: Tensions between Taiwan and China are increasing

China-Taiwan tensions: Tensions between taiwan and china are increasing

 10 Dragon ships seen in Taiwan's data-border

China-Taiwan tensions: china, which claims taiwan as part of its country, is not stopping its activities. Recently, 10 Chinese ships and 2 aircraft have been seen near the taiwan data-border.China-Taiwan tensions: Tensions between taiwan and china are increasing, 10 Dragon ships seen in Taiwan's data-border

China-Taiwan tensions: On saturday morning, 10 Chinese ships and 2 aircraft have been detected near the taiwan data-border. china is still not stopping its activities. According to the Ministry of Defense from taiwan, at around 6 am, there is news of 6 naval ships, 4 coast guards and two aircraft around Taiwan.

The tension between china and taiwan has now reached its peak. If reports are to be believed, two PLA aircraft of china have violated the taiwan Strait midline of the air Defense Identification Zone located in the northern region. In response to this, taiwan has responded to China's PLA with its naval ships.

In fact, china has been trying to establish its authority over taiwan for the last several years. Let us tell you that since september 2020, china has been gradually increasing the number of military aircraft and naval ships in the area around taiwan, using the gray zone strategy in an attempt to capture Taiwan.It is also important to know that china has never ruled Taiwan. But it is always seen asserting its rights over Taiwan. China's ruling Communist party has always considered taiwan as a part of its country.

While on the other hand, taiwan calls itself an independent country. taiwan is an island located 100 miles off the south-eastern coast of China. taiwan has its own constitution. There is a government elected by the residents of Taiwan.

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