Why did Sharad Pawar's daughter get angry?

Why did Sharad Pawar's daughter get angry?

People are facing severe heat in many areas of Maharashtra. The heat has increased so much that people are in a bad condition. In such a situation, a big statement has come from sharad pawar faction mp and Baramati seat candidate supriya sule on the rising temperature and climate change in the country.

On the problems being data-faced by people due to climate change and severe heat, NCP-SCP mp supriya sule said, "I am tired of speaking on climate change in the House. But this government is so busy with IT, ED, cbi and party breaking that they do not have time for the questions of the common man."

Why is it so hot in mumbai right now?

According to TOI, the main reason behind the scorching heat in mumbai is the combination of high humidity and abnormally high temperatures. The humidity due to the western winds coming from the sea further increases the heat, making the air feel heavy and the temperature increases even more. According to local meteorologists, this phenomenon is intensified by a cyclonic circulation in the southwest of the Bay of Bengal, which carries moist winds towards the west coast of India. The heat in maharashtra is so intense that even machines have started giving up. A cooler was installed in a transformer in Nagpur.

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