Heat Waves are causing a bad condition due to heat and sweat, have you got rashes on the skin?

Heat Waves are causing a bad condition due to heat and sweat, have you got rashes on the skin?

 Know the remedies for relief

Remedies To Heat Treat Rashes: If you are troubled by heat rashes in summer, then you should try the remedies mentioned here to get rid of them and avoid them.

Heat Waves are causing a bad condition due to heat and sweat, have you got rashes on the skin? Know the remedies for relief

Heat Rashes

Heat Waves Impact On Health: Everyone is troubled these days due to heat and sun. The heat is at its peak in delhi and surrounding areas. The temperature remains around 40-45 degree Celsius. In such a situation, it can prove to be very dangerous for health. Not only this, skin related problems also start occurring due to sunlight and sweat. Sunlight and sweat can cause heat rash and heat rashes. If you are also troubled by this, then you can adopt these remedies (Remedies To Treat Heat Rashes).

Get relief from heat rashes like this

Light clothes

Do not wear tight clothes in summer. You should wear loose and fabric clothes like cotton or linen. In this case you will sweat less and it will dry quickly. In this way you can avoid rashes.

Apply powder

Everyone is worried when there are rashes due to heat and sweat. To avoid this, anti-rash powder should be used. Applying anti-rash powder also reduces sweating. If rashes have occurred, then anti-rash powder should be applied to reduce it.

Due to these reasons, hair starts turning white in teenage, do not panic, adopt these home remedies

Wash with old water

To keep the body cool in summer, consume cold things and also wash the affected area with cold water. This will give relief to the skin. After washing with water, dry it. This will give relief from rashes.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for the skin. If you have rashes on your skin due to sunlight, then apply aloe vera gel on it. This will keep the skin hydrated. You will get relief by applying it.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is good for hair as well as skin. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Massage the rash area with coconut oil gently. This will reduce itching.

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