The woman has found 2 thousand 150 silver coins

The woman has found 2 thousand 150 silver coins

Luck was kind to the woman who went for a walk, she got something like this and became rich

A woman who went for a walk in Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, has found a treasure worth crores. It is being told that the woman has found 2 thousand 150 silver coins which are being told between the years 1085 to 1107.

Luck was kind to the woman who went for a walk, she got something like this and became rich

Imagine you have gone out for a walk and are strolling and then you find a treasure. It is possible that you take these things lightly and say that how can luck be kind to someone like this? But this has happened and it has happened in Kutna Hora of the faraway Czech Republic. Here a woman went for a walk and found a treasure on the way which belongs to the Middle Ages. If Fox news is to be believed, the woman has found 2 thousand 150 silver coins which are said to be from the year 1085 to 1107.

If the information received about these valuable coins is to be believed, then these coins were made in Prague. The Archaeological Department of the Czech Academy of Sciences said that these coins were made by mixing silver, copper, lead and other fine metals.

How did the woman find the treasure? Different kinds of speculations are being made on this too. Archaeologist Philip Velemsky has given his opinion on these coins and said that when there was an atmosphere of political instability in the country, then this treasure must have been buried in the ground.

It is also said that at that time there was a dispute between the members of the Premysl dynasty in the country regarding the throne of Prague and since there was a lot of instability in the country, such decisions were often taken by people with money.

It is noteworthy that these coins found by the woman were hidden in a ceramic container. How much are the coins worth? No estimate has been made yet. But since these coins were made in the 11th-12th century, their value is said to be in crores.

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