Meet Navya Agrawal, Who Scored 99.4% in ICSE!!!

Meet Navya Agrawal, Who Scored 99.4% in ICSE!!!

A native of Thane, 16-year-old Navya Agrawal scored 99.4 per cent marks in the ICSE results 2024 despite suffering multiple bone fractures at an inter-school Kabaddi championship last year. A student of Euro school in Thane, Navya broke both the bones (radius and ulna) of her left arm. She underwent a major surgery and now has two plates in her arm. But that did not stop the youngster from securing almost 100 per cent in the CISCE class 10 exams 2024. The results were announced on May 6 with 99.47 per cent clearing the exams.

“Class 10 has been an emotional rollercoaster. I experienced both good and bad days. The aim for 99 per cent came into existence last year when our school 10th grade topper delivered a speech. His name was put up permanently on a board at the entrance of our school which inspired me. At every PTM, teachers used to tell me that I had the potential to achieve the target. I had also applied for Head girl but unfortunately, I didn’t get it, so I felt I needed to prove myself,” says Navya.

A professional basketball player, she played Kabaddi in Cascade “but unfortunately an incident cost me heavily,” she told News18. “I clearly remember the date, it was august 13. There was a major surgery and now I have two plates in my arm. My school, principal, teachers, friends, and bus aunty all supported me that time. Since I could not play basketball, so I concentrated completely on my studies, worked hard, and finally got the result,” she added.

Passionate about science and mathematics, Navya now aims to appear for JEE and crack the IIT entrance exam. But that does not mean she will give up on her love for basketball. “I have always loved Science and Maths because you don’t have to rote learn anything, it’s all logical and conceptual. I will sit for the JEE exam and have started with classes for it and my next aim is IIT. I will continue playing my passion which is basketball and everyone should play one sport as per their liking. Balance is very important,” she said.

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