'Parents should not compare children with others'!!!

'Parents should not compare children with others'!!!

Senior IAS Dr. Vikrant Pandey advised parents to have hope from their children but not to be too ambitious. Empower your children to get ahead in the competition. The coaching teacher will act as a catalyst, you become the coolant and remain calm. Don't expect from your child what you couldn't do.

Giving advice to the parents, Vikrant Pandey said that they should understand the mentality of the child, praise him on everything and say that next time it will be even better. Never compare yourself with others, there will be many tests during studies, we have to keep our eyes on the goal. Exams are not fun, it is self-study and meditation. Do not discuss marks with the child after the exam. Communicate with him and make him feel emotional attachment.

'Change the way of studying'

In response to a question, senior IAS officer Dr. Pandey said that the theory we study in school gets changed in the entrance examinations. Marks are obtained in school, but concepts are not clear. Explains the concepts of theory chapters in coaching. Teaches how to analyze questions. This gives us the right ability to think. By practicing solving 100 questions from each chapter of theory, the way of studying changes.

He said that the skill of solving questions quickly is obtained only through coaching. Every teacher teaches theory chapters by linking them to the entrance examinations. It depends on you how much you come out of the pressure. The coaching system shows you the path to run, removes stones from the path by clearing concepts and also throws stones by giving difficult questions. So that you can overcome the obstacles of competition and achieve your goal.

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