AP Elections 2024: Pawan's bad mouth spoils his future!?

Sindujaa D N
The ap general election polling has begun. The Gods of Voters will transfer power to their preferred party for a five-year term in a few hours. The leaders of the main ap parties have devoted all of their efforts to making this work. They exerted more effort than they could. They made a last-ditch effort to win over votes on the final day of the campaign.
The campaign went well overall, with a few small clashes here and there. Based on the manner in which Pawan has conducted his campaign thus far, this election represents the pinnacle of his career. Pawan's political future is probably at risk if he loses. He therefore labored with the express purpose of unseating Jagan. Chandrababu was sworn in as chief minister after a brief battle.
due to YCP's 151-seat victory in 2019. The situation has gotten to the point where tdp will at the very least run this time around. There are many who claim that the TDP's mission is finished with Chandrababu's detention. Pawan raised the tdp at this time by allying with it. In addition, they fought the bjp and sought the center's backing in their battle against the YCP.
leaders and included Chandrababu in the coalition of the NDA. Overall, he was successful in obtaining his goals. The promise to vanquish jagan is all that remains. However, he gave his life in support of the coalition. Despite the fact that in this election just 21 seats were won, they ran a campaign that was identical to Chandrababu." In other words, he put in a lot of effort and competed with Chandrababu. Additionally, he will be alienating trustworthy leaders by refusing to provide them tickets. They were able to keep the cadre in place overall. Let's see what happens as a result.

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