Why Mayawati was also aggressive?

Why mayawati was also aggressive?

As far as the issue of data-bordering on aggression is concerned, if we remember the old form of sister mayawati ji, she used to speak even more aggressively. She was often in the news with controversial slogans and speeches. She even used to raise very direct caste slogans. It would not be correct to assume that mayawati did not like aggression. Yes, there is a mentality of fear in them, it is tremendous. This mentality has been there ever since the much-discussed guest-house incident took place. Her public appearances were reduced, she confined herself to her building and only went to rallies. The psychology of fear dominates them.

When the investigation started in the disproportionate assets case and cases are going on against mayawati along with her brother Anand, that fear is dominating him. When mayawati was out of power in 2012, there was no lack in her aggression till two-three years later. The government changed at the Centre, files were opened and mayawati stepped back after that. She had become irrelevant by the 2022 elections. As far as akhilesh yadav is concerned, Mulayam Singh's diplomacy was such that till he was there, no action was taken against him. Later, narendra modi also started visiting his house for weddings etc. This balance was maintained as long as it was soft.

Apart from this, one reason was that Akhilesh is giving the toughest competition to bjp in UP and his stature has become such that whenever action is taken against him, people can call it witch-hunting.

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