What is interim bail on which Arvind Kejriwal came out

What is interim bail on which arvind kejriwal came out?

Delhi cm arvind kejriwal was in jail regarding the delhi Excise Policy case, he has got interim bail from SC. This bail has been given to him for election campaign. He was released from jail on friday night. He has been granted interim bail till june 1, so he will have to surrender again on june 2. Now this question must be coming in people's mind that what is interim bail? And under what circumstances is it given? And what all can you do and what all cannot you do during this period? Let us know about this in detail.

What is interim bail?

Interim bail is bail given for a short period of time. The court provides it to someone in a situation when someone has filed a regular bail petition. If a person files a petition for regular bail, then the court asks to present the charge sheet in this case, so that the court can analyze the case, hear it and give its decision. This process takes a fair amount of time. Until the court takes a decision regarding this, the person remains in jail. In such a situation, a person imprisoned in jail can demand interim bail from the court. This bail can be granted only when the person is forced to get out of jail under special circumstances. If the court feels that it is necessary for him to go out due to special reasons, then it grants him interim bail for a limited time.

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