AP: Is the voting percentage of drug addicts that high?

In the last election, women, men, educated people, uneducated people, rural town employees, unemployed and others have all informed who they will vote for. If such people don't do it, all the political parties also think about how to do it and seem to attract them by giving various guarantees. But after the 2019 elections, it has completely changed.. Another new section has emerged. The name of that section is drunkards section..

Viru also seems to make a very serious impact in the elections this time. Even though they once said that they will implement the prohibition of alcohol in ap, no one has been able to implement this promise since the 1955 elections. In 1994, ntr came to power with the slogan of complete prohibition of alcohol in his election manifesto, but within 8 months, his party was overthrown by people like Chandrababu and after coming to power, the complete prohibition of alcohol was lifted.

Since then till now no one can dare to implement this slogan again. But in 2019, they will implement the ban on alcohol in a phased manner, even though it was said during Jagan's regime. Even though it was waived in villages, it could not be done in other areas. Even the opposition parties are criticizing the issue of adulterated liquor.

Moreover, there are rumors that many people are dying from drinking this drug because liquor is being sold under bad brands and at high prices. If Chandrababu comes to power this time, he is also revealing that he will supply quality medicine and that too at cheap prices. This time it is calculated that the number of voters who drink alcohol is 4%. The ycp party is very cautious saying that the votes of the women who lost their votes are theirs. On the whole, andhra pradesh politics is like all the drunken voters are different votes.

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