Guruwar Rules: Do not do these 7 things on Thursday

Guruwar Rules: Do not do these 7 things on Thursday

Otherwise you will become poor, you may have to data-face these losses

Thursday Astrology Rules: thursday is a special day for the worship of Devguru Brihaspati. Many tasks should be avoided on this day. Guruwar Ke Upay: thursday is a special day in the week for the worship of Lord Vishnu. This day is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Worshiping Lord vishnu and Devguru Brihaspati on thursday brings auspicious results. This day is also considered forbidden for many works (Guruwar Ke Niyam). Doing this is inauspicious. Let us tell you about such works which should not be done on Thursday.

Do not do these 7 things on Thursday

- thursday is special for the worship of Lord Vishnu. banana tree is worshipped on this day. You should avoid consuming bananas. Lord vishnu is believed to reside in it.

- Never light a lamp of sesame and mustard oil in the worship of Lord Vishnu. A ghee lamp should be lit in front of Lord vishnu during worship on Thursday.

- You should donate yellow things like jaggery, gram lentils on this day. Donation of any other thing should not be done on this day. It is auspicious to donate yellow things.

Soon the fate of these zodiac signs will change with the transit of Venus, success will be achieved in every work

- No sewing work should be done on Thursday. Doing this weakens Guru. Due to this you may have to data-face financial crisis.

- Mopping the house should be avoided on Thursday. Doing this weakens the north-east corner of the house. This is considered for the little ones of the house. In such a situation, children are adversely affected.

- Clothes should not be washed on Thursday. One should also avoid using soap while bathing on this day. You should also not take out junk from the house on Thursday.

- One should avoid cutting hair and cutting nails on Thursday. Doing these mistakes angers Devguru Brihaspati. Devguru Brihaspati is considered to be the factor of happiness, prosperity, wealth, peace. In such a situation, happiness and peace are affected.

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