Amit Shah's attempt to unite his cadre wave or polarization

Amit Shah's attempt to unite his cadre wave or polarization…

BJP has remained firm on its main issues. Now what will they say about ram Mandir, what promise will they make on Article 370? So, the third remaining issue had to be returned. The main thing about today's political parties is the desire to get power. In today's era, politics is a means of attaining power and serving through power. Therefore, political parties come to those issues with which they start. Anyway, amit shah has the image of a hardcore leader in BJP. You cannot talk to them about any soft issue. As far as polarization is concerned, it is not visible this time like the last two elections. It is also true that voters on the ground are not that vocal. One reason for this is that the then UPA governments that were in power from 2004 to 2014 had major allegations of corruption against them, they were being proved and the court was also a constant attacker.

There was a desire for change in the minds of the public and narendra modi had emerged as the carrier of that change, so the public was also quite vocal. Till 2019, no core issue of bjp was resolved, although a perception was being formed about narendra modi that he is different from the leaders of other parties and he should be given one more chance. That's why the public's outspokenness was visible. Now in the last 10 years, it has developed that a large section of the indian public has accepted that the situation is better in the hands of narendra modi as compared to other leaders, the voters of the country have a sense of assurance and in a way, they are feeling lazy. It also takes you further. The same sense of laziness of the voter is at the root of the reason for his silence. However, every political party is playing its own game.

Congress may not have spoken on the Uniform Civil Code, but it is saying that minorities will have the right to personal law. mamata banerjee has openly said that she will abolish CAA, even though there is no possibility of her forming the government. So, all the parties are trying to polarize. bjp has also not taken any retirement.

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