VIP recommendation letters are suspended for 3 months.!

VIP recommendation letters are suspended for 3 months.!

Good news for tirupati devotees. VIP recommendation letters are suspended for 3 months.! Devasthanam in action!21.10 lakh devotees visited the tirupati seven mountain elephant in the last month of March. Among them, 7.86 lakh people have donated their hair. 42.85 lakh people have been given food. 1.01 crore Lattu prasad was distributed.

It has been announced that the VIP recommendation letters will be suspended for 3 months due to the increasing number of devotees at tirumala tirupati due to summer vacations. The world-famous tirumala tirupati Seven Malayan Temple. Thousands of devotees from different states and countries visit this temple daily and have darshan of Sami. Devotees wait for days to have darshan of Sami on crowded days. In this case, the number of devotees is expected to increase in the coming days as the children's exams are over and the summer vacation is about to begin.

In this case, AV dharma Reddy, Executive Officer of tirumala tirupati Devasthan while talking to the media said: Due to the increasing number of devotees in tirumala tirupati day by day due to the summer vacation, it is planned to suspend the VIP recommendation letters for 3 months. Thus common people can have darshan in large numbers and without waiting for a long time. Not only that, it has also been decided to increase the number of ssd (free darshan) tokens to 30,000. Cool paint has been applied on the ground to deal with the sun in Mada streets and Narayangiri areas.21.10 lakh devotees visited the tirupati seven mountain elephant in the last month of March. Among them, 7.86 lakh people have donated their hair. 42.85 lakh people have been given food. 1.01 crore Lattu prasad was distributed. He said that Rs. 118.49 crores had been paid

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