Harikrishna Birla lashed out at Prahlad Gunjal..?

Harikrishna Birla lashed out at Prahlad Gunjal..?

Harikrishna Birla said, 'He is talking about principle, he is saying that I have been insulted, oh brother, what have you insulted? om birla is that man whom you abused a lot for five years, yet he called you home and treated you with respect. om birla has such a big heart, he doesn't say anything even after abusing so much. Your actions are like this, that is why respect was not given to you.

In the viral video, Harikrishna Birla is saying that 'Pralhad Gunjal used to come earlier to listen to Om's poetry. It is said that om birla is his college friend. It's been so long since, brother, when Shriman had a broken bicycle, no mudguard at the back, a small wheel tied to it and he used to come to Kaithunipol's house and say, 'I have come to recite poetry to Om Birla.'

'The voter is not anyone's slave'

Harikrishna Birla further said that 'Elections should be fought according to the elections. elections should be won by respecting the voters, not by hooliganism. Respect the voters, respect the voters, if you don't respect them then how will you get votes? The voter is not anyone's slave. The indian voter is so intelligent that he knows who is in his interest and what is in the interest of the country.

Harikrishna Birla further says in this video 'Everyone knows who gave ticket to Prahlad Gunjan in the assembly elections. om birla made me sit near him and gave me the ticket, whether I gave it or not… om birla was born on the ground, lives on the ground, and does not fly in the air.

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