Unique effort to make deaf voters aware in Gurugram

Unique effort to make deaf voters aware in Gurugram…

A unique initiative has been taken from Gurugram towards making voters aware for the lok sabha general elections 2024. A video has been prepared by the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital Sign language Lab of haryana Welfare Society for Persons with Speech and Hearing Impairment to motivate deaf voters to vote. Through this video, deaf voters have been given detailed information about democracy and the importance of voting through sign language.

Many activities are going on in Gurugram district to motivate voters to exercise their franchise. Through the SVEEP program of the election commission of india, awareness related programs are organized daily through Atal Seva Kendras, educational institutions, women and Child Development Department, Transport Department etc. In this series, remarkable work has also been done to motivate deaf voters towards voting through sign language.

This nine minute video is giving important information

According to district Election Officer and DC Nishant Kumar Yadav, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities of the government of india has broadcast this 9-minute video on its YouTube channel. In this video, detailed information is given through sign language about what is democracy, decision of mandate, formation of government, voting rights, duties of voters etc. He told that in this video, useful information about the importance of voting has been given in a very interesting manner. The script of this video is also available by visiting this YouTube handle. This effort will prove to be very effective in strengthening democracy.

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