Sonam Wangchuk criticized mainstream media


Sonam Wangchuk criticized mainstream media…

Climate Fast: Social activist Sonam Wangchuk of Ladakh is demanding statehood for this Union Territory under the Sixth Schedule and for this, she is on hunger strike for the last 20 days.

Sonam Wangchuk said, “As far as politicians and mainstream media, which are like pillars of democracy, are concerned, I am sure that their conscience will not let them sleep at night, will make them realize what they are doing to Ladakh.” Are. I just thank all of you, the citizens of the country, the ordinary powerless citizens, who became such support for Ladakh and who became the media and spread our message far and wide to every citizen of the country.

Sonam Wangchuk expressed hope from the PM, home minister, and President

Sonam Wangchuk said, “I am sure this will reach our prime minister and home minister and Honorable President as well and I am still confident that they will soon understand and do justice.” That's all I can say today. Thank you very much and jai Hind." Happy holi wishes have also been given at the end of the video.

Let us tell you that recently, the talks between Apex Body of Ladakh (ABL) Leh (ABL) and Kargil Democratic Alliance with the Union home Ministry in delhi did not yield any solution, after which Sonam Wangchok started a hunger strike. On sunday (24 March) morning, KDA along with its supporters started a hunger strike at Hussaini Park in Kargil.

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