AAP leader Sandeep Pathak's attack on BJP


AAP leader sandeep Pathak's attack on BJP…

The politics of delhi is heated regarding the arrest of delhi chief minister and aam aadmi party convenor Arvind Kejriwal. There is huge anger among aam aadmi party leaders and workers in protest against this arrest. Aam Aadmi Party's Organization General Secretary sandeep Pathak has once again attacked the bjp over the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal. He has said that bjp has made a big mistake by arresting Kejriwal. aam aadmi party leader sandeep Pathak said, "There is a kejriwal in every family of Delhi. bjp has made a big mistake by arresting Arvind Kejriwal. There are lakhs of Kejriwals in delhi and they will take to the streets.

Election strategy discussed in AAP meeting

For the first time after the arrest of chief minister arvind kejriwal, on sunday (24 March) the aam aadmi party held an important meeting with all the officials, MLAs, and councilors of delhi in which the strategy for the lok sabha elections was discussed. Aam Aadmi Party's Organization General Secretary sandeep Pathak said that the party has been running on the orders of arvind kejriwal and will continue to do so. He is stronger than he was outside the jail.

bjp has made a big mistake- sandeep Pathak

sandeep Pathak further said that by arresting arvind kejriwal, bjp has shot itself in the foot. His political strategy has failed. Ask anyone in delhi whether bjp did the right thing by arresting Kejriwal. Everyone is against Kejriwal's arrest and is calling it wrong. On the question of arvind kejriwal resigning, he said that the public is asking him to run the government from wherever he is. There is no need to resign. He said that on march 31, people from all over delhi will gather and stand in support of Kejriwal.

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