Lagging in development – Ummedaram


Lagging in development – Ummedaram

Ummedaram said that 'Barmer will work for modern smart classrooms in jaisalmer because only if there are teachers, there will be development. Along with education, we will work to ensure that the future of farmers is bright. The big problem data-faced by the people of Barmer and jaisalmer area is that farmers do not get electricity on time and their loss due to low voltage while getting electricity is a big issue. There is a problem of water and light here.

'The central government has been an anti-farmer government. Has always worked to oppress the farmers. She brought three black laws against the farmers. Recently, she did not fulfill the promise of making a law to guarantee MSP. Farmers all around are worried. Insurance companies and the government are looting farmers under the crop insurance scheme.

What did Umedaram say about leaving RLP

Umedaram further said that 'Not even a quarter of the premium taken by the insurance companies from the farmers has been paid. Barmer: Despite being the mp of jaisalmer and minister of State for Agriculture in the central government, kailash choudhary himself could not provide relief to the farmers of Barmer. For this reason, there is anger among the people of Barmer and Jaisalmer. Seeing the sentiments of the people of Barmer jaisalmer, I decided to leave the Rashtriya Loktantrik party and join the Congress. This is my personal decision.

'He remained honest as long as he was in the National Democratic Party. Now I am in the congress party, now I will remain honest with the Congress. Regarding the alliance with the National Democratic party and congress, he said that this is a matter of a big level. This is not at our level.

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