Controversy increases over Piyush Goyal's son's speech

Controversy increases over piyush Goyal's son's speech…

Union minister and BJP's lok sabha candidate piyush Goyal's son interacted with students at Thakur college in Kandivali. Opposition parties say that students were forced to listen to the speech and their IDs were confiscated. Shiv Sena-UBT and Sharad Pawar's faction ncp have shared their videos on social media and demanded the suspension of the principal. ncp Sharad Chandra Pawar leader Jitendra Awhad, "Students of Thakur college in suburban mumbai were forced to listen to the speech of piyush Goyal's son. The students protested against this and took a clear stand that they could not be forced to listen to speeches like this.

Awhad's claim, that students were protesting          

Awhad further wrote, “In the video, you will see how large the number of students is! This means that a spark has fallen. When student protests start. That's when good people get into trouble. In 1973-74, the Navnirman movement of students started in bihar and Gujarat, and Indira Gandhi, who was at the peak of her popularity, started to decline. What happened over time is history, so remember, when students are excited, it is the beginning of a revolution. Congratulations and thanks to all the students of Thakur college for this rebellion! Now you will lead the country!!''

The principal should be suspended - Aditya Thackeray

At the same time, Shiv Sena-UBT leader and former minister Aditya thackeray has demanded the suspension of the principal. He wrote, "The government is giving this message to the world every day, it does not want the country to become a democracy. Students' IDs were confiscated and they were forced to listen to the speech of the son of the bjp candidate from North Mumbai. That too just a day before their exam. Because where is the job even after passing the exam in this government? Rather than waste time listening to the speech of the candidate's son. Will the principal be suspended over this horrific incident?

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